Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief Dr. Todd Votteler talks about water and the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature with Perry Fowler, Executive Director of the Texas Water Infrastructure Network (TWIN), Sarah Schlessinger, Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Water Foundation, and Jeremy Mazur, Senior Policy Advisor for Texas 2036.
As the Executive Director of the TXWIN, Fowler leads the organization’s efforts to build a strong, sustainable, and competitive Texas water infrastructure construction market through policy development, education, and advocacy. He is also the Principal of Fowler Group Texas, LLC providing lobbying, government affairs, business consulting, association, and coalition management services.
Mazur directs Texas 2036’s work in the area of natural resources, which includes water, oil and gas, and energy. He also directs research and policy development in water. His current projects include a study on water markets, developing a strategic implementation plan for recent federal water legislation, and improving the state’s infrastructure and resilience to extreme weather.
Schlessinger previously worked in groundwater policy and regulation and has experience with international nonprofits and disaster response. In addition to her role as Executive Director of the Texas Water Foundation she currently serves as an appointed member of the Water Conservation Advisory Council and as a board member for Texas Water Trade.