outlook+water: August 2018

By Robert Mace, Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment SUMMARY: Drought conditions have worsened over the past month with 59 percent of the state now suffering from drought. Statewide reservoir storage continued to decline with Choke Canyon Reservoir hitting new historical lows over the past month. Drought is expected to improve, but remain, over the next three months. El Niño is still expected this this fall and winter. My day

q&a+water: Brad Farbstein

Brad Farbstein, Owner & President of Real Ale Brewing Company   In this issue’s Q&A, Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Todd Votteler, interviews Brad Farbstein, Owner & President of the Real Ale Brewing Company. During his homebrewing days as an Economics major at the University of Texas, Farbstein quickly realized his calling: beer would not just be his hobby – it would be his career. After successfully securing a job in sales for the then-unknown Saint Arnold

outlook+water: July 2018

By Robert Mace, Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment SUMMARY: Drought conditions are slightly improved with the Gulf Coast out of drought and less severe conditions on the High Plains, but drought has intensified through the north-to-south center of the state. The chances of El Niño arriving this fall and winter increased. Drought is expected to expand over the next three months. Seeking cooler temperatures and Leif Erikson’s settlement some

q&a+water: Tom Kula

Tom Kula, Executive Director & General Manager of the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) With an annual operations and capital budget of more than $500 million, NTMWD provides drinking water treatment and delivery, wastewater collection and treatment and solid waste services for a population of 1.7 million people in one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. NTMWD operates one of the nation’s largest advanced water treatment plants at Wylie, TX, with a capacity

q&a+water: Michael Watkins

Michael Watkins, Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory & Vice President of the California Institute of Technology Located in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a unique national research facility that carries out robotic space and Earth science missions. Michael M. Watkins became Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on July 1, 2016. In this role he also serves as a vice president of the California Institute of Technology, which staffs and manages JPL