think+water: Bacterial Pollution and Sea-Level Rise, the Cost of Climate Change-Induced Flooding in Houston, and a Model of Cabeza de Vaca’s Raft to Texas

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of analyzing the relationship between bacterial pollution and sea level rise in the Gulf of Mexico, attributing human-induced changes in the magnitude of flooding in Houston during Hurricane Harvey, and building a replica of early Spanish explorer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s raft from his expedition to North America in 1528. 

think+water: Groundwater Sustainability in Groundwater Management Plans, What Texans Think About Climate Change, and Primacy in Reporting Toxic Releases

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of reviewing the effectiveness of groundwater management plans in the U.S., exploring results from a nationwide survey about Americans perspective on climate change, and examining the impact of the federal government delegating environmental policies to state agencies. 

think+water: The Sociodynamics of Citizen Science, Surface Water in Texas, and Climate Change Impacts on Water in Semi-Arid Texas

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of motivations for citizen science program participation, an overview of Texas’ water availability models, and using probabilistic models to assess the relative risk that climate change poses to watershed-scale water resources.