think+water: Mindfulness, Ecological Economics and Reuse Potential for Combined Sanitary Wastewater and Stormwater Systems

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of utilizing mindfulness practices in environmental education, developing markets to acquire water for environmental needs and a look into a study that demonstrates a means to estimate the amount of combined sanitary wastewater and stormwater captured through open air oxidation ponds available for reuse.

think+water: Harvey Over-Freshened Galveston Bay, Warming and Urban Springs, Nurdle Patrols and Snakes on a (Gulf Coastal) Plain

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of freshwater inflows and its effect to Galveston Bay following Hurricane Harvey, springs discharge and its thermal buffering to aquatic habitats, volunteer-driven citizen science to address plastic pollution and assessing how municipal supplies and wastewater affect stream and spring waters.

think+water: Fights Over the Rio Grande, Energy and Water, Groundwater Contamination in Colonias and a Saintlier St. Augustine

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of the Texas-New Mexico water war, the potential for greater solar development in West Texas, the development of interploid hybrids to enhance the water efficiency of St. Augustinegrass and a look at how water issues could constrain oil and gas production in the United States.