q&a+water: Peter Lake

Peter Lake, Chairman of the Texas Water Development Board       What are your priorities as Chairman of the Texas Water Development Board? I was extremely honored when Governor Abbott designated me Chairman earlier this year. It’s a privilege to work each day with a tremendously talented and dedicated team to accomplish a mission that is vital to this state. The TWDB has set a new standard for excellence since the launch of the

outlook+water: March 2018

By Robert Mace, Chief Science Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment SUMMARY Large areas in West Texas have received less than 10 percent of normal rainfall for the past 90 days. La Niña is expected to fade into neutral conditions (La Nada) by May. Drought conditions in west, far west, south-central, and central Texas are expected to persist and expand over the next three months. Welcome to the first Outlook+Water for Texas+Water!

q&a+water: Anne Idsal

Anne Idsal, EPA Administrator – Region 6 What are your priorities as US EPA Administrator for Region 6 with regard to water? EPA Region 6 has a very diverse set of waterways and water priorities within and among our five states. Under Administrator Pruitt’s leadership, we are working to prioritize clean drinking water and safe waste water for the states in a way that addresses their individual priorities and goals. EPA looks forward to working

New Texas+Water Newsletter!

There’s a new way to keep tabs on state water news. The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University, the Texas Water Journal and the Texas A&M University System’s Texas Water Resources Institute are teaming up to launch Texas+Water! The first issue will be released March 22, in celebration of World Water Day. Building on the former Trib+Water newsletter, Texas+Water will be the go-to source for timely, insightful information concerning water