Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Todd Votteler, talks with Lara Fowler, who is a mediator and an attorney focused on all things water, energy, and dispute resolution. Prior to joining Penn State University in 2012, she worked on public policy issues for the Oregon Water Resources Department and practiced law in Seattle. As a private practitioner, she helped facilitate discussions on water issues in Washington, California, and Oregon. Fowler now holds a joint appointment as a Senior
leg+water: March Update
Every month during the 86th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature Dr. Robert Mace and Dr. Todd Votteler provide an update on water-related legislation. The key water committees are Water, and Rural Affairs in the Senate (SWRA), and Natural Resources (HNR) in the House of Representatives. Both committees have held hearings and voted on significant water bills since our last update in February. Thus far, legislation related to the flooding impacts from Hurricane Harvey and
talk+water: Léna Salamé
Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Todd Votteler, talks with Léna Salamé, who served in the United Nations’ system for 17 years as the strategic and operational coordinator of its programme on water conflict and cooperation. She played a central role in the development and promotion of the modern concept of hydro-diplomacy. Salamé served in the United Nations’ system for 17 years as the strategic and operational coordinator of its programme on water conflict and cooperation. She played a
q&a+water: Jayne Harkins
U.S. Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico In this issue’s Q&A, Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Todd Votteler, interviews Jayne Harkins, P.E., U.S. Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. Commissioner Harkins was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2018. As Commissioner, she serves as head of the U.S. Section of the Commission, overseeing personnel in twelve offices along the U.S.-Mexico border and in Washington,
outlook+water: March 2019
SUMMARY: Bomb Cyclone Ulmer brought Texas record low pressures for the Panhandle and wind gusts of more than 100 mph. El Niño is still with us with sea surface temperatures projected to flirt with El Niño conditions for the rest of the year. Ulmer dropped some much-needed snow over the Rio Grande headwaters in Colorado. The bomb cyclone that swept across the continental United States the week of March 10th—named Ulmer by the Weather Channel—was