think+water: Fecal Matter in the Edwards Recharge Zone, PFASs in Galveston Bay, and a Review of Reservoirs in Texas

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of developing a numerical surface-water/groundwater model for the lower San Antonio River Basin, using a geophysical technique—a gradient self-potential logging survey—to assess surface water-groundwater interaction on the Rio Grande in the Mesilla Valley, and utilizing a 20-member climate model to learn how a warmer climate could impact future droughts.

think+water: Surface Water–Groundwater Interaction in the San Antonio River, Surface Water–Groundwater Interaction in the Rio Grande in Mesilla Valley, and the Drought of the 1950s if the World Was 3° Celsius Warmer

This month we explore academic publications on the topics of developing a numerical surface-water/groundwater model for the lower San Antonio River Basin, using a geophysical technique—a gradient self-potential logging survey—to assess surface water-groundwater interaction on the Rio Grande in the Mesilla Valley, and utilizing a 20-member climate model to learn how a warmer climate could impact future droughts.