outlook+water: 99.2% of the state is abnormally dry or worse, June was the fifth warmest June on record, and La Niña is still on the menu for the fall

Summary: 99.2% of the state is abnormally dry or worse with 20.4% in exceptional drought, the worst drought category; June clocked in as the fifth warmest June in Texas since 1895; and, there’s a 60% chance of remaining in La Niña conditions through July–September and a 62%–66% chance through fall and early winter.

outlook+water: 88% of state in drought, La Niña is expected to continue through the summer and maybe the fall, expect an active hurricane season

88% of the state is in drought with 14% of the state under exceptional drought conditions. La Niña is expected to continue through summer and, possibly, into the fall. Colorado State University predicts 19 named tropical storms (1991-2020 average = 14.4) with nine hurricanes (average = 7.2) and four major hurricanes (average = 3.2).